Under , Board approval is required for the addition, deletion, suspension, or significant modification of academic programs. Action by the Board of Trustees must occur prior to submission to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) for notification or action by the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board (AHECB). Other academic matters, listed at the bottom of the page, are submitted to the Board as notification or consent agenda items.
For each campus action: the following items must be submitted two months prior to the date of the meeting of the Board of Trustees during which the item will be considered. (Materials should be compiled in Microsoft Word format and emailed to agenda@uasys.edu.)
New Academic Programs:
- A cover letter from the Chancellor explaining the need for program, the proposed funding source and projected enrollment for the first 5 years.
- A Letter of Notification (LON) that will go to AHECB upon approval of the Board of Trustees.
- A draft resolution for board consideration. .
Program Deletions/Suspensions or Reactivation of an Inactive Program:
- A cover letter from the Chancellor explaining the reasons for program deletion or suspension.
- A Letter of Notification (LON) that will go to to AHECB upon approval of the Board of Trustees.
- A draft resolution for board consideration.
New Centers or Administrative Units with Faculty Appointments and Degree Programs:
- A cover letter from the Chancellor explaining the need for Center, the proposed funding source and projected funding for the first 5 years.
- A Letter of Notification (LON) that will go to to AHECB upon approval of the Board of Trustees.
- A draft resolution for board consideration.
Offering Existing Programs Online:
- A cover letter from the Chancellor explaining the online market for the program.
- A Letter of Notification (LON) that will go to to AHECB upon approval of the Board of Trustees.Â
- A draft resolution for board consideration.
Significant Reconfiguring Programs
- A cover letter from the Chancellor explaining the reconfiguration, including the specific significant changes to program courses and requirements.
- A Letter of Notification (LON) that will go to to AHECB upon approval of the Board of Trustees.
- A draft resolution for board consideration.
Tuition and Fees
- A cover letter from the Chancellor explaining the rationale for the proposed tuition and fee schedule.
- A completed template outlining the proposed tuition and fee changes. [template attached]
Notification and Consent Agenda Items:
The following items are traditionally placed on the academic consent agenda. Campuses should provide the ADHE LON for each item two months prior to the date of the meeting of the Board of Trustees during which the item will be considered:
- Program Name Changes
- 2+2 Programs (List of new 2+2 submitted each July for September Board meeting)
- Minor Curriculum Revisions to Existing Programs
- Programs Transferred to Inactive Status
- Offering Existing Programs in New Location
- Reconfiguration of Existing Degrees
- Establishment of new center, institute or administrative unit not offering primary academic appointments or degree programs.